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Kibbutz Kishorit PDF Print E-mail

At our 1st birthday party, we raised over $1150 to help support Kibbut Kishorit. Thank you to all our ZOOZ dancers and our friends who donated so generously for this worthy cause. It was much appreciated by the Management and residents of Kishorit.


Kishorit (www.kishorit.org) is a kibbutz of adults with special needs located near Carmiel located in the Misgav region of Northern Israel.  All its members are disabled, either mentally or physically (or both). It is, in every sense, a unique home for life for such men and women. There is no other such 'experiment' in Israel or beyond. It runs as a kibbutz by a group of specialists in those fields, medical, personal etc.  The Ministry of Health and the National Insurance Agency supervise it. 

Amongst our members is a high representation of immigrants and children of new immigrants, many from the Former Soviet Union, France, America and Canada.   For the past three weeks, our unusual community has found itself under virtually incessant fire, forced to rely on the care and attention of a remarkably devoted staff. This, while the staff itself - Jews and Arabs alike - have no alternative other than to leave spouses and children at home (despite the rockets) in order to look after men and women who need them even more.  

Mental health is not usually a headline topic, least of all in times of war, and we are very grateful for support that will allow to weather this storm and continue our mission.  The damage sustained by Kishorit is widespread, affecting all our income-producing industries. Many are in open spaces such as fields and paddocks, and with katyushas exploding daily everything is just dead. We have saved the lives of everyone but are facing serious damages in the (current) amount of US$45,000.  

The industries that have been hit are as follows: a. Our stable, where we specialise in therapeutic riding for disabled people. b. The goat herd, where organic goat milk is produced, from which organic cheeses and yogurts are usually made. c. Our toy factory (www.pasteltoys.org) where members produced wooden toys for export.  

I do want to say a word about manpower. At Kishorit, 100% of the community have mental health problems and are, at the best of times, fragile. Now, three weeks under fire, the professional staff of carers is working 24-hour days to keep our members on their feet and out of danger. Some have moved their own spouses and children into the kibbutz to be with our members all the time. Others leave their families (themselves in the line of fire) to be here. This is essential to our survival but means an extra US$120,000 in manpower hours that we must find somewhere. They are not equipment. They are people. But they are the people who keep Kishorit's members alive and in one piece in this war. I'm sure you understand.  Finally, thank you again and so much for coming to our aid at this time. We do need it, and we are sincerely grateful. 

Yours sincerely

Shuki Levinger - General Manager


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